Heifetz' Journey Out of Russia to America (1917)

 Heifetz' Journey Out of Russia to America (1917)

By the time Jascha was a teenager Russia was becoming unsafe and the country was starting to spiral out of control. Jews were persecuted and as everyday life deteriorated Reuven began to think urgently about moving the family out of harm’s way. America was the obvious choice – and so in 1917 the Heifetz family sailed into San Francisco to begin a new life. Jascha was already known by reputation in his adopted country and everyone was eager to hear this prodigy and to see if the rumours of a ‘wunderkind’ were true.

(Stephen Bryant)


Heifetz Move to America

Sponsored by Wolfssohn Music Bureau for 50 concerts for $25,000

June 17, 1917, Heifetz leaves Russia with his family for the USA, via the Far East, Japan and Honolulu, arriving in San Francisco. He travelled across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express, the route via Europe being impossible as the Germans still occupied Russian Territory and WW1 was still raging in the East in the run up to the Bolshevik tyranny. This was a good time to leave!


Heifetz gave a concert in Japan en route (W-Vered, p68)


This was QUITE some journey to undertake! It must have been fun for Heifetz and his teenage sisters, if not tiring at times.


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